Art – Tagged "Dismaland" – chodole

Art — Dismaland

Bansky with his new project -Dismaland.

Posted by Thanh Mai on
Bansky with his new project -Dismaland.

Bansky, an notorious street artist, gained his world-fame to mock the world-politic with his creative view in stencil art graffiti in London. His recent projects called Dismaland, a nightmare version of Disneyland.  It will open only for 5 weeks, and would cost 3 British Pounds (90,000vnd) to visit the park. It was built secretly over the Tropicana swimming pool in the English resort town of Weston-super-Mare. In this theme-park, you would find not only Bansky works, but also different works of other street artist around the world from small scale to grande scale.  And the great thing in this park...

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