News — Trailer
Angry Birds 2 chính thức ra mắt trên Apple Store !

Wieden + Kennedy London has created the Angry Birds 2 promo, which is set on Piggy Island. The video, which promotes the launch of the new mobile game, uses live action directed by by François Rousselet through Riff Raff to shoot pigs swimming in the sea around the island in the Bahamas. The Instagram campaign running alongside the promo uses a “smug pigs of Instagram” account, which the agency says is “a play on the famously gauche ‘Rich Kids of Instagram’ account,” to “give fans a taste of what life is like for the lucky pigs living the good life...
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- 2016
- 2NE1
- Actor
- Advertising
- Airforce1
- Angry Birds 2
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- Bring Happiness Home 2016:
- Bring Happiness Home 2016: The Monkey King Family
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- Cheese in the trap
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